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Triphala: 3 Potent Health Benefits

Triphala: 3 Potent Health Benefits

One of those oldest ways of healing holistically is our traditional way. There are hundreds of potent ayurvedic herbs that have been in use to heal people internally with no side effects. One of which is our Tripahal, consisting of the ayurvedic power of three potent herbs. It is known as one of the effective […]

What is infertility and how it can be treated

What is infertility and how it can be treated?

Infertility is one of the common health problems of the male and female reproductive systems. It is when a person is not able to conceive after 12 months of unprotected intercourse. This is common between women and men aged between 20 to 45, so in case you and your partner are having difficulty conceiving then […]

No more sleepless nights: 3 healthy habits for a Goodnight sleep

No More Sleepless Nights: 3 Healthy Habits for a Goodnight Sleep

In today’s performance-driven world stress has been calculated to be the most common health issue in the population from children to the elderly. Today, people prioritize work more than their good health. People have forgotten the phrase “Health is Wealth.” We need to understand the health cause of stressful minds and their impact on our […]

Fat loss Juice: Three Potent Health Benefits

Fat Loss Juice : Three Potent Health Benefits

Tired of trying all those tips and tricks to lose weight? It’s as tough as losing weight then it’s easy to search for fat loss tips and tricks on the internet. Cutting on the intake of carbohydrates, notable sugar, is the most common way to lose fat. People who have been on a diet program […]

Sleep is important: 3 healthy habits for a Goodnight sleep

Sleep is Important: 3 Healthy Habits For a Goodnight Sleep

This 21st century where work is considered more important than health is making an impact on our coming generations. Today young generations are giving less importance to sleep being unaware of how seriously it impacts their physical and mental health. Living in this modern world stress has become the most common health issue starting among […]

Best Ayurvedic Immunity Booster and Its Benefits

Best Ayurvedic Immunity Booster and Its Benefits

Triphala is one of those highly potent herbs that has been in use in the field of the traditional way of healing for over 1,000 years and above. Its worldly known health benefits can be consumed in both powder and tablet form. Its proven health benefits have helped in treating various health conditions, hence, is […]

Ayurvedic fat reduction juice

Best Ayurvedic Juice for Fat Reduction and Digestion Problems

We are pretty sure you might have tried lots of tips and tricks to lose weight by now. Well, your never-ending research on those not-so-beneficial tricks comes to an end today. We’re going to give you some ideas and a solution on how to lose fat naturally and solve your digestion problems. Cutting carbohydrate intake, […]

Best Ayurvedic Joint Pain Relief Oil in India

Best Ayurvedic Joint Pain Relief Oil in India

Your joints go through natural changes as you get older, but you should never give in to joint pain as an expected part of aging. Instead, you can take steps to maintain resilience, strength, and optimal joint health. These changes can lead to varying degrees of inflammation, pain, and stiffness. For many people, this age-related degeneration turns […]

benefits of wheatgrass juice

12 Ayurvedic Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice

Many people prefer wheatgrass juice because it is easily incorporated into your daily routine and can be simply consumed by adding it to lukewarm water. Wheatgrass comes from the ayurvedic herb Triticum aestivum. Many ayurvedic doctors have long used the ayurvedic benefits of wheatgrass. Wheatgrass is an organic wheatgrass juice for health that comes from […]

Best powder for weight gain in India - Ambic

Best Powder for Weight Gain in India

You are, what you eat. The simple meaning of this saying is that your body responds to the food you consume. Our bodies are made from three doshas; Vata, Pitta, and Koshas. When these doshas are in perfect balance, we could say that the person’s stomach and health are in a perfect state. However, even […]

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