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Deekshant Tablet: Best Ayurvedic Supplement to Treat your Thyroid

Deekshant Tablet: Best Ayurvedic Supplement to Treat your Thyroid

The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland inside our neck that secretes thyroid hormones. It is not a disease but the result of an imbalance in our food habits and lifestyle. It is more of a hormonal disorder that happens due to sometimes thyroid making too much or too little hormones. When this gland starts […]

Deekshant Tablet: Best Ayurvedic Medicine to Naturally Treat your Thyroid

Deekshant Tablet: Best Ayurvedic Medicine to Naturally Treat Your Thyroid

The thyroid isn’t a disease, but a result of an unhealthy and imbalanced lifestyle. A person with this disorder could be suffering from either of the types – Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism is when the thyroid glands don’t produce hormones up to the desired levels and as a result, the body’s metabolism slows down due […]

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